Pipe clamps DIN3015

Use of DIN 3015 clamps
Designed for quick, easy, durable and esthetic assembly of pipes, cables and hoses in several branches of industry, including land and marine installations. Manufactured according to DIN 3015 specifications. Mounted on a base construction by welding the lower plate, screwing or fixing it on rails.
Type of body finish:
Profiled – standard e.g. TC-PP101-215 (code of a complete clamp with plates and bolts)
uchwyt do rur din 3015
Smooth e.g. TC-PP101-215H (code of a complete clamp with plates and bolts)
Clamp material (clamp body):
material symbol colour working temp.
polypropylene PP green from -30°C up to +90°C
polyamide PA66 – self-extinguishing The material meets the requirements of the standards for fire protection in rail vehicles: -EN 45545-2 -UNI CEI 11170 Flammability class UL 94 – V0 PA black from -40°C up to +180°C
rubber RB black from -40°C up to +80°C
aluminium AL silver up to +350°C
To obtain detailed information about physical, mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of a particular material, please contact Technical Department of TUBES INTERNATIONAL®.
Clamps mounted on a base construction and other elements of the system
Clamps are mounted on a base construction by welding the lower plate followed by the assembly of a clamp and pipe. The clamps with already mounted body must not be welded! Keep proper distance between subsequent clamps. If a pipe is bent, assemble clamps as close as possible to the pipe bend. After tightening screws (with an appropriate torque) of clamp on the pipe, two halves of clamps should not be in contact with each other.
pipe clamps din 3015
Optional system elements for assembly by welding or screwing, e.g.:
- extended, angular and bridge plates
- double and multiple mounting plates,
- rails for multiple mounting,
- units for stack mounting (one onto the other).