Ultra High Pressure gauges

Ultra High Pressure gauges – general information
Pressure gauges designed for ultra high pressure from 1000 bar to 4000 bar and higher, used in chemical systems, petrochemical systems, refrigeration plants, power units, pumps, water pressure cleaners, presses, compressors, turbines, diesel engines, as well as in machinery and equipment where pulsating pressure or mechanical vibrations occur. Made of stainless steel, resistant to the harshest working conditions, which are a combination of both external environment and the process medium. Compliant with EN 837-1 or DIN 16001 standards. With a blow-out device (S1), safety pattern design (S2) and with front baffle (S3). Diameters: 63, 100 and 150 mm. Accuracy class: 1.0 and 1.6. Compliant with EN 837-1 standard (pressure gauges up to 1600 bar). Pressure gauges for pressures above 1600 can be manufactured according to the manufacturer’s standard or according to the requirements of DIN 16001. All pressure gauges meet high quality and safety requirements according to EN-837 or DIN 16001 standards. The selection of the pressure gauge for the application should be based on the catalogue data (initial selection) and selection recommendations given in EN 837-2 standard. The selection should be confirmed by a specialist in Tubes International. Apart from the basic types of UHP pressure gauges (MGS 18, MGS 22 and CEJN pressure gauges) we offer an even wider choice of UHP pressure gauges and optionals on request – contact Tubes International.
UHP pressure gauges safety
UHP pressure gauge safety comes from a combination of suitable construction and selection of the required degree of protection depending on the application (liquid or gas), the pressure range and the nominal size (diameter) of the pressure gauge. Criteria for the selection of protection level (safety class) are given in EN 837-2 and DIN 16001. In general (for all pressure gauges, also for low pressures), there are the following safety classes:
0 – pressure gauge without blow-out device;
S1 – pressure gauge with blow-out device;
S2 – safety pattern pressure gauge, without front baffle;
S3 – safety pattern pressure gauge with front baffle („solid front”);
A safety pattern pressure gauge should protect the operator from explosion and debris from the front side of the pressure gauge, caused by the expansion of high pressure gas in case of damage to the pressure element (Bourdon tube rupture). The safety pattern pressure gauges are subjected to an energy release test. The test simulates the pressure element rupture. It is considered as passed if no parts, splinter or liquids are ejected from the gauge during the test. The window of the gauge must be made of laminated glass or non-splintering plastic. At the back of the pressure gauge, there is a back safety element, which is either a blow-out device (plug) or a blow-out back plate, which blows away in the event of an explosion and releases the pressure from the inside of the case. For class S2 pressure gauges, if the pressure release test requirement is met, a blow-out device as in S1 is sufficient. In class S3 pressure gauges, additional protection is provided by a front baffle, integrated into the gauge case, which prevents parts of the pressure gauge from being ejected forward.
The construction of the safety pressure gauge with front baffle (S3) is shown in the diagram opposite.