IBC adaptors

IBC adaptors – general information
IBC coupling (Intermediate Bulk Container) is a special plastic coupling intended for emptying pallet tanks (plastic container intended for the transport and storage of liquids, capacity of up to 1000 l, placed in a metal cage attached to the pallet). The pallet tanks are also called IBC totes or caged water tanks.
IBC coupling is a threaded coupling made of polypropylene – material with excellent chemical resistance. A buttress thread according to EN 12713 connects to the container (e.g. S60x6, S75x6, S80x6, S92x4, S100x8), polyethylene seal (LDPE). Adapters with BSP and NPT pipe thread, hose tail, CAMLOCK adapter, but also blank plugs and IBC ball valves are available in our product portfolio. Working pressure up to 7 bar. IBC coupling is a basic type of industrial fittings intended for plastic pallet tanks for liquid chemicals and water.
IBC couplings - barrel adapters
Adapters made of high-quality, food-safe, fibreglass-reinforced polypropylene suited for the most popular and common plastic barrels used for storing raw materials (200 litres). Designed to make suction pump or ball valve (faucet) installation easier and faster. An O-ring seal on a male thread according to DIN EN 12713 ensures a tight connection.