Air-conditioning fittings assembling tools

Air-conditioning fittings assembling tools
A/C hose crimpers – mobile
Mobile air-conditioning hose crimpers are suitable for on-site repairs and in repair shops. These are simple tools, easy to use, compact and reliable. Lightweight, portable for easy transport to any location. Designed to crimp fittings on basic A/C rubber hoses in 5/16” (8 mm), 13/32” (10.3 mm), 1/2” (12.7 mm), 5/8” (16 mm) diameters. The fittings can be crimped both on standard hoses (BU-3055) and hoses with reduced outer diameter (BU-3090) just by choosing a correct die set. The crimping head can be unlocked and placed over the hose, which is important when re-crimping the fittings already installed on the hoses. They are compact and perfect for crimping in almost any position.
Hydraulic crimping machines for A/C hoses – FINN-POWER
Finn-Power crimping machines with a set of specially shaped crimping dies are used for crimping fittings on basic A/C rubber hoses in 5/16” (8 mm), 13/32” (10.3 mm), 1/2” (12.7 mm), 5/8” (16 mm) diameters. Depending on how many hose assemblies will be produced, how complex they are and where they are intended to work, there is a crimping machine suitable for each application (e.g. P16HP for field service, P20NMS for small production runs, FP20UC for series production and SP350UC with side feed – for complex shape assemblies). For more information see MACHINES AND ACCESSORIES section: Crimping machines.
Rubber refrigerant hoses for vehicle air-conditioning are mounted with fittings in the following ways:
BURGACLIP® fast assembly system – system consists of fittings with special hose tail design, clip holders and clips. Only special pliers for clips are needed to assemble the fittings easily and fast. Recommended for service and repair use.
Beadlock fittings consists of a sheet metal ferrule integrated with the fitting. They are usually crimped with specially profiled dies with three teeth. Under field service conditions, they are crimped with small A/C crimpers, whereas in series production – using standard crimping machines for hydraulic hose assemblies e.g. Finn Power, and special profiled die sets for refrigerant fittings.
Reusable fittings – the fitting is screwed into the ferrule and hose. The ferrule is screwed onto the hose beforehand. Assembly without any special tools. Due to the cost of the fittings, the system is not popular today.