PTFE hoses without braid

PTFE hoses without braid – general information
PTFE hoses without reinforcement do not have any braid or any other reinforcement and are made of homogeneous material – PTFE or other fluoropolymer with similar properties (FEP, PFA). They are intended for low pressure (from a few to several bar) or non-pressure applications. This range includes smoothbore and corrugated hoses (much more flexible). The hoses are translucent to allow visual checking whether the medium is present in the hose. With PTFE outer surface, it is easy to keep them hygienic and sterile. They are used in many specific industrial applications, in the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries and in laboratories. They are mounted by simply attaching to the pipe stubs on the system or to hose fittings, and fastening with light ear clips or with ferrules crimped on the fittings. Suitable for plastic fittings (see INDUSTRIAL FITTINGS section).